Sunday, August 8, 2010

Discovery of the Cardinal Nest

So this afternoon, Mom and I were checking our garden to see if anything was ripe yet. As we were walking to our garden, I noticed a male cardinal chriping at us. I'm pretty sure he was telling us to get out of his space. lol. So after we checked the garden, I saw the cardinal hopping around the birdfeeder, so I waited so he could get some food. Then we noticed that he was going in the lilac bush right next to the feeder! So we went inside, and he started to colloct food and take it to the bush. He had a funny little system goin' on too. It went:

Go to the bird feeder...

then he'd jump onto the feeder pole...

then he'd grab a seed and hop back to the bush all sneaky like and feed his babies.

A little later I saw the mother. She's pretty too. Apparently Mom saw the female earlier today, and the sun hit her feathers just right that it made her look almost orange. :)

I'm excited to have more cardinals flying around my house. :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gingerbread House!!!

So today I sarted making the gingerbread house that had been laying around the house since before people came up for the holidays. ☻ I didn't get any pictures of while I was decorating it, but we did get some after pictures. Mom even came and helped after a little bit! Yay! :)

I was feeling crazy - of course - and so I made the two sides of the roof pretty close to exact opposites. ^_^ It was fun, but I almost ran out of candy to make it!

I also had fun with the door. I got tired of the candy that the package provided because it was all pretty close to the same, so I went and grabbed some candy canes. And then I made a heart shaped door. :)

My gingerbread boy (back) and the gingerbread snowman (front) look kinda evil...

My gumball is going to fall off!!!!!! What ever shall I do?!??!? ☻

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It fell off........what should I do???

There, I fixed it. I glued it back onto the gingerbread house with frosting. :)
So that's what happened with my gingerbread house. It took a while to actually make it and put it together, but it was totally worth it. It was so much fun. ^_^